Chapter 88 get lost

"You've gone too far!"

Ruan Jiaojiao's number one fan, Ye Feng, suddenly stood up and started arguing with the others.

we're just having a casual discussion. Ye Feng, don't be angry, Yingluo.

They were all classmates, and both ruan Jiaojiao and Ye Feng were the backbone of the class.

They were not like ruan Mengmeng, who was an outsider.

Everyone had been in the same class for a long time, so there was bound to be some feelings.

After hearing Ye Feng's words, the rest of the students were embarrassed.

"Hmph, you can eat whatever you want, but you can't say whatever you want. Don't you know how to spell the word 'gossip'? Jiaojiao just took her sick leave. If she knew what you guys were saying about her, she would be so sad!"

Ye Feng's words made the other students feel embarrassed, and they all fell silent.

At this moment, an imperceptible chuckle came from the back row of the classroom.