His Mengmeng was always right in whatever she did!

"Look, Yingluo didn't know how to control her strength just now and smashed the sofa in the house again. I'm trying to find a partner for her, and it's not good if Qin Lang sees it. "

"What's wrong with that?" Grandfather ruan was extremely protective of his granddaughter and kept her by his side.

"The furniture in the ruan family is for Mengmeng to smash. If she likes it, she can smash as much as she wants. As a grandmother, you're scolding a child for some dead things, aren't you embarrassed!"

There was no right or wrong in the old master's eyes.

Whatever her second granddaughter did was right!

After saying that, the old master's stern eyes revealed a bit of shrewdness as he looked at Qin Lang.

"Find a partner, Humph, this kid?" Old master ruan did not hide his contempt for Qin Lang at all.