Uncle Zhao's heart was broken

Ruan Mengmeng played games until she was going crazy for the entire Sunday.

After taking on a few orders in a row, together with the 100000 Yuan He had earned from li Junxi, he had enough money for the detective Agency for the next issue.

At first, she didn't dare to be too presumptuous. When old Cao helped her with the questions, she would play games for a while and then go outside to listen for movements.

Although she did not want to admit it, ruan Mengmeng knew that she was still afraid of that tyrant li junyu.

If li junyu accidentally found out that she was playing games in class, he might take the opportunity to 'punish' her severely.

However, li junyu seemed to be just as he said. He suddenly became very busy and did not appear for the entire day.

She did not see li junyu for the entire day. When she went to bed at night, she was already asleep.

Ruan Mengmeng hugged her pillow and suddenly felt a little sleepless.