She shouldn't have kissed him

that's right. The last time such a test paper appeared, it was done by ruan Shishi a few years ago. She's a genius too.

The teachers couldn't help but sigh after marking the papers.

"You're right, they're indeed twin sisters from the same mother. The elder sister is a genius, and so is the younger sister. We've misjudged him this time. Let's personally apologize to that child in the auditorium tomorrow."

Although a public apology was a slap in the face, this time, they had listened to the student council's words.

He mistakenly thought that ruan Mengmeng was looking down on her teachers and had deliberately handed in blank papers, so he had specially conducted a spot check test.

Even if they didn't want to do it, they had already done it. Now that the chairman was personally supervising them, the teachers could only lower their heads even if they were embarrassed.

"There's no need to apologize!" The girl's clear and sweet voice suddenly sounded.