She's going to be my sister-in-law from now on

"Ruan Mengmeng, I suddenly feel that letting you off just like that would be too easy on you."

Li junyu's eyes were cold and ruthless, and the hand that was holding her chin suddenly tightened.

His long fingers dug into ruan Mengmeng's chubby cheeks, leaving two deep marks on both sides.

wuwuwuwuwuwuwuwu " her face was pinched by li junyu's hand, and her pink lips pouted, so much so that she could not speak clearly.

It's over, it's over, the tyrant is angry!

It was only at this moment that ruan Mengmeng began to feel vexed.

She suddenly realized that she had made a very, very serious mistake.

Li junyu was angry that she had touched li junche and used her status as the Li family's young mistress to swindle others. Of course, he felt that she was not worthy of his brother, and not worthy of him, li junyu.

Since they felt that she wasn't worthy of them, they naturally wouldn't think that she was worthy of second brother.