Agreed to the blind date

That night, Ling bei suddenly received a transfer order.

He was packed up overnight by his young master and sent to a third world country in Africa to supervise the infrastructure construction project invested and sponsored by Lisheng group in this country.

Basically, he wouldn't have to return to S country for at least a year or three years.

At the same time, Ling Dong, Ling Nan, and Ling Xi received the call from their young master and returned to their country.


On the other side, ruan Mengmeng, who was so angry that she was grinding her teeth, decided to ignore li junyu.

Her rationality told her that she should calm down. After all, she still needed li junyu's kiss to maintain her exam results.

However, she really couldn't do it.

That despicable tyrant, not only did he bully her, but he also agreed to hold a birthday banquet for old Madam Qin!

Didn't he know that doing this was equivalent to slapping her in the face?