Chapter 205-boyfriend power

Catch a cricket and an adulterer?

Ruan Mengmeng, who was nestled in li junyu's chest, almost vomited blood from anger.

What adulterous act? did he really think he was her boyfriend?!

They were just pretending to be a couple, and he actually pretended to catch her in the act.

li junyu, you're too much! ruan Mengmeng could no longer hold it in. She grabbed his dark-colored tie and pulled him down, wanting to protest in a low voice.

However, before she could finish her sentence, she was interrupted by a heavy sound.

bang! Zhang Yaoguang, who was sitting at the head of the table, suddenly slammed the table and stood up.

"Mr. Ruan, you're really good at scamming people. It's bad enough that you introduced me to a daughter with a boyfriend, but now you're being caught in the act by her boyfriend! I, Zhang Yaoguang, have never been so embarrassed in my entire life!"