Poor baby Xiaoxi

From the beginning to the end, he didn't know how many consecutive wins he had.

The slower ones ended the battle in 20 minutes, while the faster ones surrendered in 6 minutes.

For the entire night, other than hearing about 'Lord Meng rules the world's' kill record.

The two sentences that li Junxi heard the most were 'the tyrant has been killed' and 'the tyrant of darkness has been killed'.

Li Junxi was puzzled.

Sometimes, it was the kind of game where it was obvious that they had the upper hand and had already pushed the opponent to the high ground.

As long as the tyrant in the Middle River respawns.

Lord Meng rules the world had to stop his pursuit and take a detour to the river to defeat tyrant, who had just appeared.

No matter the time or situation, the NPC tyrant had almost become a thorn in Lord Moe's side.

Li Junxi even felt that rather than torturing the players on the other side, the Moe Lord clearly wanted to torture the tyrant more.