Fatty Jing's big brother is too good-looking

"No, don't! Don't! Don't come over! Go away!"

Fatty Jing hugged the pillar in the hall and wailed.

His arms and legs were wrapped around the stone pillar, and even his face was buried between the stone pillar and his arms.

He didn't even have the courage to look back.

Behind him, two people who looked like bodyguards were holding two handfuls of coriander with cold expressions, blocking his retreat.

Fatty Jing turned around and saw that the coriander in the hands of the two people was about to touch him.

He immediately shouted,"brother, please my dear brother, my big brother!" I was wrong, I was wrong, Yingluo, I beg you, if you don't like the look, hit me, hit me! Don't let them come any closer, no!"

Unfortunately, no matter how loudly fatty Jing shouted, no one paid him any attention.

The two bodyguards didn't hear the young master's order. They pinched fatty Jing's face, opened his mouth, and stuffed the coriander in.