Confused father

"What, Mengmeng is sick? When did she fall sick? what illness is it? why didn't I know about it?"

Ruan Jiaojiao would never have thought that the person who appeared behind the door would be ruan zhaotian.

She forced her trembling voice to remain calm. "Dad, aren't you at the company?"

little Yu isn't feeling well. I just called your father to come back and take a look. Qin Fang's face was filled with slight worry as she took over the conversation.

She was like a mother who was worried about her child, and her heart ached whenever she talked about her son.

He didn't seem to be nervous at all because ruan zhaotian had heard what he had said.

"Jiaojiao, quickly tell Daddy what happened to Yingluo and Mengmeng. Did she not have a good time at that Yue brat's house? was she being bullied? Are you sick?"

Ruan zhaotian was very anxious. He grabbed onto ruan Jiaojiao with both hands and didn't even notice how much strength he was using, causing her to feel pain.