Young master Li is angry, taking his anger out on him

That night, it was almost midnight, but the Li family's third young master and eldest young miss had not returned home yet.

In the living room, li yaoyang kept looking at his watch. It was fine if his third son was messing around, but why did he also bring Mengmeng along?

Mengmeng was a young girl, after all. If seizhi knew that her daughter had been taken out by No. 3 and had not returned home until so late, who knew what she would say to him.

"Old Zhao, Qianqian, did you call them? Even if it's a celebration party, there's no need to stay up so late."

The Butler, uncle Zhao, knew that li yaoyang was anxious, so he quickly reported what he knew."I picked up the phone at 8 O 'clock. It sounded like I was singing at a KTV. But then I couldn't get through to her phone, probably because she ran out of battery and turned it off, Yingluo."

"Master, don't worry. Young people may forget the time when they're playing. Third young master and miss will be fine."