Meeting with li Junting

"Why not? Father specifically asked me to bring you along. He said that you're a part of our family now and can't be missing."

Li junche felt that ruan Mengmeng was just causing trouble. She was not usually this shy at home, so why was she dawdling when they were out for a meal?

He ignored her and dragged her out of the car.

However, ruan Mengmeng's strength was not something li junche could pull.

She held onto the door so tightly that she wanted to deform the door of the Li family's Bentley, which was used to take third young master to and from school.

Suddenly, an extremely deep voice came from behind the two.

"Li junche, who allowed you to cause trouble at the hotel entrance?"

Ruan Mengmeng and Li junche turned their heads at the same time and met li junyu's cold and deep black eyes.

They saw li junyu standing behind them with an expressionless face. His face was cold.