I choose big brother

If old master Li's birthday celebration was a big event, it would definitely shock the entire S country.

However, as old master Li grew older, he became less and less fond of social events and did not like to be extravagant. Therefore, the birthday celebration this time was carried out in a low-key manner.

At first, they were only planning to hold a family banquet in the Li family's old residence and invite the third branch of the Li family, as well as those distant relatives, to liven up the atmosphere for old master Li.

Everything had been arranged, but the day before the banquet, the old man received a call from his eldest son at the last minute, telling him that his eldest grandson had agreed to the blind date.

This made the old man extremely happy.

He sent out invitations to all the families in S city who were qualified to have a marriage alliance with the Li family.

In just one night, 22 socialites were decided to attend the birthday banquet.