What exactly did li junyu say?

Li Junting coaxed li Junxi for a while, and ruan Mengmeng finally understood the Li family's situation from his words.

It turned out that in the main Li family, li Junting, li junche, and Li Junxi were not favored.

Old master Li and old Madam li were also very strict with uncle li.

The only exception was li junyu.

the old master and old lady are very biased. They are extremely strict with others and only favor the youngest son and grandson.

The youngest son was li yaoyang's third brother, Li Hongyang.

The grandson of the first wife was the eldest grandson, li junyu.

"Little nectarine, did you see Qianqian and the old lady? she's my third aunt. She's the daughter of the Shen family, Shen LAN."

Old Madam li had been afraid that her youngest son would be too young to do well in the hands of her two elder brothers after the two elders passed away, so she had found a wife from a prominent family for her youngest son.