Extreme jealousy, dragging her down

"Junyu Qianqian, what kind of girl do you like?"

Old master Li's voice was a little hoarse, and there was a hint of anger in it.

He looked at ruan Mengmeng from afar. Looking at her palm-sized face, her fair and smooth skin, her beautiful almond-shaped eyes, and her cherry-like lips, she looked like a little fairy who had walked out of a painting.

Yes, he admitted that Yingluo was indeed very beautiful.

Her skin was whiter than snow, and her facial features were exquisite and full of spirit ... They were not fully open now, but in a few years, they would grow up and she would be more beautiful and charming.

But even so, he wouldn't agree!

That was the daughter of that Vixen!

Boss had married two femme fatale in a row, and neither of them had satisfied him.

Because of this, he did not like any of the children from the boss's family.