Can't wait to beat li Junting up

"Li. Jun. Ting ..."

A deep and cold voice that was filled with anger was heard. A sharp fist was thrown at li Junting's devilishly handsome face at an extremely fast speed.

Li Junting's collar was grabbed by li junyu, and his fist was about to land on his face.

Under the pressure of his big brother, second young master Li closed his eyes subconsciously and couldn't even think of resisting.

Second young master thought to himself,'so be it if he's going to be beaten up. Who asked him to be so rude?'

In any case, there was always a price to pay for watching a good show.

... Didn't he see the panic and jealousy that flashed through his big brother's deep black eyes?

Ha, to be able to see his Ice Mountain brother's emotional side in this life, it was already worth it.

Li Junting closed his eyes and turned his face away, waiting for the pain to hit him.

The wind from the fist that should have landed did not land.
