I like you

"You want to date me, Yueyue?"

Ruan Mengmeng, who was nestled in li junyu's arms, raised her head from her little red cloak and blinked.

Her moist, almond-shaped eyes were filled with water vapor. Under the illumination of the fireworks and lights, they looked like stars.

Li junyu lowered his head and saw her cute little face.

He muttered an 'mm' and couldn't help but lean down again to give her pink lips a Peck.

The eyes behind the mask were deep and indomitable.

Ruan Mengmeng shrunk her neck back out of reflex and avoided his second kiss. "Yingluo wants to pretend to date me again? Li junyu, this is not funny at all."

Her small hand was placed on his chest, putting some distance between them.

The embarrassment and awkwardness she had in the back garden of the Li family's old residence was still fresh in her mind.

She had not forgotten the cold water that had poured over her head when she thought that li junyu liked her.