Ling bei's whereabouts

Ruan Mengmeng was stunned when she saw Gu Xuan.

She had almost forgotten about Gu Xuan after not seeing him for so long.

At this moment, when she saw him looking at her with that narcissistic and charitable look, she almost vomited the sweet breakfast she had this morning.

"No need, I don't have anything to say to you,"

With that, ruan Mengmeng wanted to walk around Gu Xuan.

However, when she passed by Gu Xuan, he actually reached out to grab her hand.

"Mengmeng, brother Gu Xuan knows that you're still jealous. Don't worry, brother Gu Xuan won't let you suffer this time. Listen to brother Gu Xuan talk about Yingluo first!"

-* ck, let go of me-" ruan Mengmeng flung Gu Xuan's hand away as if she had touched something dirty.

Gu Xuan almost hit the wall after being flung away by her.

His expression changed, and he wanted to get angry on the spot.

However, he suppressed his anger when he thought about the purpose of his visit to ruan Mengmeng.