Sending Gu Xuan flying with a slap

Ruan Mengmeng had just been in a daze for a moment.

When she came back to her senses and realized that Gu Xuan was so close to her, she slapped Gu Xuan's face out of reflex.

"Ah ... Pervert!"

She could not help but slap Gu Xuan's greasy face with her little hand.

Then, because he couldn't hold back, he forgot to hold back.

Then, everyone clearly saw Gu Xuan being sent flying in a visible arc by ruan Mengmeng.

It, it was actually sent flying just like that!

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Whether it was Gu Xuan's companions, Gao Hanqiu, the chairman, or the principal.

All of them were shocked by ruan Mengmeng's monstrous strength!

Only fatty and a few others were calm and normal.

After all, they had already seen what it meant to have a fist the size of a claypot.

He was already used to ruan Mengmeng's settings as a girl with extraordinary strength.