The number one king of jealousy in the Galaxy is online

that's right. How can you be like this? " ruan Mengmeng held ye Lingxi's hand back.

"You see, you'll think that my grandmother is in the wrong when I tell you this, but you won't think that I'm in the wrong, right? Actually, Ling Xi, I'm the same as you. I'm a person whose pain receptors aren't very developed. It's indeed like what my grandmother said, my skin is rough and my flesh is thick, so it's not easy for me to feel pain."

"But just because I don't feel pain easily doesn't mean that it's right for my grandmother to hit me. By the same logic, you won't feel pain, but it doesn't mean that Ye Feng deserved to hit you."

even if ye Feng slapped you and you're not hurt at all, I'm telling you, I, ruan Mengmeng, will stop him for you and seek justice for you.

On the rooftop, the afterglow of the setting sun cast a layer of light on ruan Mengmeng's bright and moist almond-shaped eyes.