Almost ate the little kitten

After a while, she saw li junyu's broad shoulders, narrow waist, smooth muscles, and well-defined body. It was as if he was right in front of her.

After a while, she saw him lean down and press her down on the bed, wanting to kiss her.

After a while, he hugged her again and 'stamped' her neck without a care.

In any case, all kinds of li junyu's seemed to be lingering in her mind.

Ruan Mengmeng was scared to death and did not dare to go out at all. She pulled up the blanket and covered her head, telling herself that she would not let her thoughts run wild when she fell asleep.

However, who knew that after she fell asleep, the Li junyu in her dream would be even scarier than the one outside.

Not only did he press her on the bed and kiss her, but he also did all the embarrassing things that he had not done before he left today.

In her dream, ruan Mengmeng only woke up when she felt a sticky liquid flowing out of her nose.