Can I sleep with you tonight?

I can't afford to offend you ...

Mother Wang rubbed her swollen temples and shrank her neck.

"Since there's nothing else, I'll go out first. It's late at night, so don't bother everyone and uncle Zhao. Rest early."

Ruan Mengmeng said in a flat tone.

But in mother Wang's ears, it was no different from a warning.

Mother Wang didn't dare to disobey, so she immediately arranged for the others to quickly disperse. If there was anything, she would do it tomorrow.

All in all, Do Not Disturb the young miss 'rest.

As ruan Mengmeng walked out of the room, she bumped into the three-man team standing by the door.

Uncle Zhao, Li junche, and Li Junxi.

Uncle Zhao was so touched that the wrinkles on his face were almost squeezed into a pile.

The beautiful young man pulled on the back of his younger brother's collar to prevent him from rushing out. At the same time, his gaze fell on ruan Mengmeng's little hand.