Cohabitation in broad daylight

There was no need to mention the result of the beautiful teenager's snitch.

Anyway, this time, he had been ruthlessly hurt by his own family's big brother Zhu.

After school, ruan Mengmeng let li junche leave first as usual, and she would get into the car at the next intersection.

Unexpectedly, when she reached the next intersection, the car parked by the side of the road was not the car that was specially used to pick up li junche, but a familiar-looking military Hummer.

Her li Sansui came to Wanwan?

Although they had only been apart for a few hours, ruan Mengmeng had already missed li junyu unconsciously, and she ran toward the car.

The car door opened and she saw tyrant sitting alone in the back seat.

The partition between the front and back had already been raised. Ruan Mengmeng stuck her head out of the front window and confirmed that the driver, old Li, was the only one there.

She immediately ran into tyrant's arms happily.