Chapter 446-executing on the spot

"Li junyu, your Qianqian, your grandmother, and the others are all downstairs Qianqian."

Ruan Mengmeng had just been thrown onto the bed by li junyu when his entire body was on top of hers, pressing her down tightly.

The young girl was completely caught off guard.

She knew that she seemed to have caused some trouble downstairs and would be taught a lesson by li junyu when she came up.

However, she had already prepared herself to be beaten, kissed, and stamped on ... She did not expect that li junyu would not want any of these.

He had actually thrown her onto the bed and started to unbutton her shirt in an unruly manner!

it doesn't matter who's downstairs. After you put on that show, who would dare to come up for a walk? " the man's voice was low and cold, hiding a slight anger.

If he had not lowered his head to unbutton his shirt, ruan Mengmeng would have definitely seen the dangerous glint in his deep and cold eyes.

It was already late autumn.