Who was that voice just now?

Li junyu's 'baby is invincible' was just like his name, truly invincible.

The minions in the game killed their way from the bottom lane to the middle lane, from the middle lane to the top lane, and then from the top lane to the enemy jungle.

He entered and left as if no one was there, and wherever he passed, he would always leave a few heads.

Just before the fight started, he was still saying ...

"Xiaoxi, stand behind me. I'll protect you."

"Xiaoxi, stay under the tower and don't come out."

'Xiaoxi, just type 666. Don't die.'

The socialites 'stunned faces had all turned from dumbfounded to adoration and surprise.

She wished she could become a 'baby is invincible' fangirl.

She was calling him in the voice chat, and her earphones were filled with exclamations of " Xiaoxi is so good ", " Xiaoxi 666 ", and " sister Xiaoxi loves you so much ".

He was even crazier than when ruan Mengmeng had brought him up the stage.