First time seeing a tyrant's bashfulness

"You kiss me, hug me, hug me!"

Ruan Mengmeng's tongue was stuck together, and she was incoherent. She could not express what she wanted to say at all.

Then, just as she was dumbfounded, her entire body had already left the bed and was carried by a certain someone.

Her entire body was covered by a shirt that wasn't even buttoned properly.

It was the same shirt that she had picked up and removed from li junyu's body after she was stripped naked.

Otherwise, she would be like him now, naked and honest with him, simply ...

no, I, I'm 19 years old. I'm an adult now. It's very big. I can wash myself!

Seeing that li junyu had already turned on the water in the bathtub and was holding her while waiting at the side, ruan Mengmeng stammered as she tried to express her wishes to li junyu.

Unexpectedly, Lord tyrant only lowered his eyes and glanced at her slightly open shirt collar with his long and cold gaze.

"Yes, I can tell." He nodded.

You, you can tell?