Something is not right

At the same time, ruan zhaotian, who was lying in the hospital ward, saw his daughter and was crying while hugging ruan Mengmeng.

"Mengmeng, Mengmeng, my baby Yingluo, you're finally willing to come back to see daddy, Yingluo."

"My daughter, daddy was so afraid that daddy would pass away just like that and never see you again. Yingluo, you don't know how worried daddy was about you. You're so heartless, not coming back to see daddy for so long. You didn't reply to daddy's messages, you didn't pick up my calls, Yingluo, and you even hung up on me, Yingluo!"

Ruan zhaotian leaned on the bed, half of his body almost out. He hung onto ruan Mengmeng and hugged his daughter, not willing to let go.

Ruan Mengmeng was speechless. She waited for her father to finish wailing before she pushed him back.

"Dad, you only hurt your leg. You didn't hurt anything else. It's not as serious as you said, Yingluo."