Lord tyrant is a piece of meat

Ruan Mengmeng did not sleep well the entire night she tossed and turned in the hospital.

She called mu Jingxing, but he did not answer.

He didn't reply to any of her text messages or WeChat messages.

On the bed next to hers, her father was snoring loudly. Ruan Mengmeng tossed and turned on the broken accompanying bed, her mind filled with thoughts of how to seek justice for mu Jingxing.

However, at this time, there was still someone who kept harassing her.

[ focused on taking the blame for twenty-three years: ruan Mengmeng, you actually dared to run ]

[ focused on taking the blame for twenty-three years: I'll give you three seconds, reply ]

[ focused on taking the blame for twenty-three years: Wanwan ]

[ twenty-three years of focus: I heard movement outside the door. Someone is trying to unlock the door. ]

[ twenty-three years of focus: do you think it's possible that grandma gave my room key to Yao Yuqing? ]