Bring your marriage partner back for Grandpa to see

Ruan zhaotian, who was injured, was being criticized by his daughter and father.

"Dad, stop scolding Yingluo. I'm just asking about Mengmeng's family situation. This little Yu was just born, he can't leave his mother Qin Fang and her family are all in the detention center, there's no one to take care of them at home, I "

"What about you? aren't your mom and sister at home? Other than them, we also hired two servants and a nanny. Five women are watching over your precious son. Isn't that enough?"

Grandfather ruan was also in the hospital. When ruan Mengmeng went to visit him, she saw that the old man's health was better than before, so she pushed him down.

Now, the three of them were in a room, chatting.

Ruan zhaotian felt wronged after being lectured by grandfather ruan.

He looked at the old man and said, " "This biological mother is different from other people. Little Yu is still so little Yingying."