Grandfather ruan reveals the truth

cough, cough cough cough-"

Grandfather ruan coughed a few times, and Li junyu, who was hugging and kissing his granddaughter, finally let go of her unwillingly.

Ruan Mengmeng's little face had already turned red from her grandfather's coughing.

Li junyu, on the other hand, was expressionless as he released his large hand from the young lady's waist and held her hand instead.

He played with his good granddaughter's hand in front of grandfather ruan and ruan zhaotian's angry eyes without changing his expression.

Then, tyrant li looked at grandfather ruan with an indescribable gaze.

If grandfather ruan was not a battle-hardened veteran, he would have been used to such Grand occasions.

He might even be so frightened by li junyu's seemingly lazy but actually cold gaze that he would fall off his wheelchair.

"Grandpa, the first point is invalid," Lord tyrant said calmly. Just tell me the second point."