Special toilet training

"Are you done?"

Fatty Jing was blocking the entrance of the toilet with a roll of newspaper in his hand.

Behind him stood red, yellow, and green, who had just grown a layer of short stubble on their heads. On his left stood ye Hanting and Li Yifan, and on his right stood si kouyun and ye Lingxi.

The few of them were like door Gods, blocking the entrance of the toilet.

When ruan Mengmeng went over, she saw that each of them was stopped by a student, who seemed to be interrogating them.

Meanwhile, fatty Jing was personally interrogating a bespectacled male student.

Fatty Jing shouted,"hurry up, hurry up! Why is a geography question so difficult?" The teacher had just explained this to you in class. Hurry up, if you don't give me the answer, you'll have to pee in your pants!"

The bespectacled man looked like he couldn't hold it in any longer. In such cold weather, his face was covered in sweat.