The Playboy ruan Mengmeng

Ruan Mengmeng's hands trembled and she almost tore the doorknob off.

However, just as she was about to push the door open, she suddenly heard someone say-

"Master, what you're doing is unscientific. It's useless for the child, Yingluo. Don't be like this, quickly put the child down, Yingluo."

Ruan Mengmeng took a deep breath. It seemed that they were taking care of ruan Mingyu inside. She had misunderstood.

The young girl was rejoicing at this moment. Fortunately, she didn't kick the door open and barge in directly just now. Otherwise, it would be as embarrassing as it could be.

Just as he was about to knock on the door, he suddenly heard ruan zhaotian's voice from inside. "Little Zheng, why do you think this child's illness is so recurring and still not getting better? Look at this little face, it wasn't easy for him to gain weight, but now he's slimmer again. As his father, I really feel bad seeing him like this."