Second development

Ruan Xueqin pointed at ruan Jiaojiao, who was sitting quietly on the side.

"Our Jiaojiao is different. Our Jiaojiao is on a trip with her boyfriend. Moreover, the other party's character is very clean and their family background is also very prominent, unlike some people who are hohoho."

When ruan Xueqin said this, she glanced at ruan Mengmeng.

However, she saw ruan Mengmeng grinning at her without a care.

This wretched girl, she had deliberately said that, but ruan Mengmeng was not angry at all!

Ruan Xueqin suddenly realized that ruan Mengmeng seemed to be different from before.

Since ruan Mengmeng was a child, he had said these words to provoke her on purpose.

In the end, ruan Mengmeng was always the one making a scene, which made the old lady and the others dislike her even more.

But now, huhu

Ruan Xueqin hated ruan Mengmeng, so when she saw that her smile was an eyesore, she continued to add fuel to the fire.