Let the pretty boy break up with Mengmeng

"Qin Lang just called back and said that he was stuck in a traffic jam and was on his way." Qin Gang didn't want to answer Zhang Ping's question, but he was being vague.

He could read his wife's mind at a glance. He knew that Zhang Ping wanted ruan Mengmeng to be with her son.

However, Qin Gang's standards were higher than Zhang Ping's. He and Qin Fang had already secretly made contact with the Gu family, and even the Shen family behind the Gu family.

Now was not the time for them to be selfish.

To plan for the big picture, one must not care about the trifles. Qin Gang hoped to join forces with the Gu family and even the Shen family.

When the Qin family became rich in the future, they would be able to marry whatever kind of girl they wanted.

The doorbell rang just as he finished speaking.

Zhang Ping immediately stood up,"Speak of the Devil, it's definitely our Qin Lang who came to Xuanji."