Ruan zhaotian gets angry

The hundred-Day celebration had not even started, and it had been turned into a mess by such a farce.

Not only was ruan Jiaojiao embarrassed, but even the host, ruan zhaotian, felt like he had been slapped in the face.

Madame ruan was even more dumbfounded.

The corners of his lips that had been raised and his ecstatic expression had all been beaten to the ground.

She, she wanted to go and settle the score with the Li family. How could they do this, how could they embarrass Jiaojiao in public!

However, Madame ruan didn't dare. She didn't dare to. She could only turn around and look at the flower shop's boss, ready to vent her anger on the flower shop's boss.

"Zhaotian, you have to make arrangements with the Li family. Leave this to me, I'm going to visit Jiaojiao." At this moment, Qin Fang could actually still stand.

She was the first to walk out, maintaining a good demeanor.