He kissed her the moment they met

Ruan Mengmeng hung up the phone and ran back to the ward in her pajamas.

She locked the door and checked on her grandfather's condition. She was relieved to see that the old man was sleeping soundly and had not been awakened.

Thus, ruan Mengmeng wrapped herself in the blanket and sat on the accompanying bed in the hospital, waiting for li Junting to come over.

She thought to herself that when li Junting came later, she would ask him to ask the nurses on duty if there was an empty Ward for them to sleep in.

Anyway, li Junting was so handsome that he could bring disaster to the country and the people, and he was so good at flirting.

When he asked the nurses for empty rooms, they would definitely get all of them.

Dong Dong Dong ... just as ruan Mengmeng was so sleepy that her head was bobbing up and down, there was a knock on the door as promised.

It was soft and not too obvious, but it could be heard clearly in the quiet night.