The pain of the beautiful young man, li junche

Li Junting's meticulous plan had not only triggered old master ruan's rhinitis, but it had also come to nothing.

Li junyu only wanted to coax his wife back.

Li Junting only wanted to atone for his crimes by doing good deeds.

Neither of the two men realized that it was a Monday.

Even if the two bosses could skip work, ruan Mengmeng, as a student, had to go to class!

Just as li junyu was being held by grandfather ruan and was grumbling ...

Ruan Mengmeng was sitting in the classroom, yawning elegantly.

At the same time, li junche, who was sitting beside her, let out a gasp of air.

Ruan Mengmeng was stunned. She turned to look and saw the dark circles under the pretty young man's eyes.

She could not help but ask,"li junche, why aren't you sleeping in the middle of the night? are you a thief?"

Li junche rested his chin on his hand and glanced at her in boredom. "Mian Mian, why don't you take a look at yourself? you're not any better than me."