Almost scared old Madam ruan to death

Hmph, monster. What did our ruan family do to give birth to such a monster? Yingluo still has the nerve to pick on our Xiao Yu. She doesn't even know if she's a child of the ruan family.

It was only after ruan Mengmeng had gotten into the car and disappeared from sight that Madam ruan dared to speak.

She walked to ruan zhaotian's side and complained, " "It's all your fault, Yingluo. If you didn't spoil her since she was young, how could she have raised such an old and disrespectful thing? nothing good ever happens when Yingluo comes home. Tell her to come home less in the future and don't want Yingluo for no reason."


A loud voice suddenly came from behind Madame ruan.

The iron swing collapsed with a loud bang. bang!!!

The swing fell and almost hit Madame ruan.

Madame ruan, who had been scolding loudly and exasperatedly just a moment ago, suddenly stood there in a daze, as if her acupuncture points had been sealed.