Mengmeng's surprise for li junyu

The next day.

After li junyu had been 'frozen' by his little kitten for an entire night, he suddenly received a WeChat message from ruan Mengmeng this morning.

[ Mrs. Li is a cat: come home directly after work today. I have a surprise for you. ] [ you can only go over after work. Don't come early, or I'll ignore you in the future. ]

The girl's cute tone even came with a 'touching head' emoji.

Usually, no one would dare to send such words or such an emoji to li junyu.

However, Mrs. Li dared to.

Not only did she dare to, but she also dared to give him a Cold War, throw tantrums, and throw small tantrums at him.

At that moment, li junyu was on his way home.

Ever since he had received this message in the morning, his cold lips had been slightly upturned.

Because of this, even her attitude towards li Junting seemed to be better than usual.

And now, it was almost the agreed time.