Tidying up Mengmeng in front of Bao Jun

"Elder Cao, do you even understand things like emojis?" The man's cold voice came, and Cao Weiping's shoulders trembled.

He raised his eyes and looked nervously at the phone screen that li junyu was passing to him."Ahem, I can understand this. Although I'm old, I can still keep up with the trend, Yingluo."

More cold sweat appeared on Cao Weiping's forehead. He really didn't understand what was going on with first young master Li.

Why was he looking at her with such a terrifying expression?

Wasn't it just his little disciple sending him an emoji package? this kind of emoji seemed to be very popular. Anyone could send it and anyone could accept it. Could it be that first young master Li had never received it before?

Hehe ... Old Cao didn't know. He had accidentally found out the truth.

Indeed, li junyu had never received such a cute emoji package from ruan Mengmeng.