She didn't want to sit still and wait for death

Hehehe, has the Shen family never seen a woman in their life? that's why they have such a dirty idea when they see a woman.


At that moment, ruan Mengmeng was already in deep trouble.

As soon as the so-called eldest young master left, she noticed that the Butler was looking at her with a fierce gaze.

Not only the Butler, but also the bodyguards.

She had just broken two of the bodyguards 'arms. These bodyguards must have been together and were now staring at her like tigers eyeing their prey. They wanted to swallow her alive. They must be avenging their companions.

Naturally, ruan Mengmeng would not sit still and wait for her death.

She knew that with the words of the man just now, even the priceless bronze horse would not be able to protect her.

It was a good thing to strike first-the girl was well-versed in the principle of capturing the king before capturing the bandits.