Her eyelids are getting heavy, she can't take it anymore, Yingluo

That's right, they wouldn't dare to take advantage of the person the young master wanted.

However, when he was changing his clothes and taking a bath, he would have to touch her ... He would just touch her a few times and pinch her a few times. This girl was fed medicine and had no way to resist. Could she complain to him?

All the bodyguards had lecherous smiles on their faces. Some of them couldn't wait any longer and went to get the medicine.

That's right, Yingluo and the others had been busy for so long and were exhausted to death. This extremely dangerous girl had even injured several of their brothers, so how could they not seek some benefits from her!

At that moment, ruan Mengmeng was half-supporting herself on the ground. She was so disgusted by their conversation that she almost vomited.

What kind of people are these?

Why is the Shen family filled with these foul-smelling beasts? from the master to the servants, not a single one of them is normal!