Unprecedented gentleness, absolute double standard

"Yes, it hurts, Yingluo."

Ruan Mengmeng was trying her best to hold it in, but li junyu's fingertips had only just touched the skin on her back when she felt a burning pain.

The young girl's soft voice came out from the man's chest.

Li junyu furrowed his brows and coaxed her in a low voice, "Be good, let me see, it'll be done soon, Yingluo"

Not only was there a bruise on the young girl's back, but it also looked slightly swollen. The bruises were purplish-red, and Li junyu's heart turned cold when he saw it.

The girl whom he had doted on so much had actually been beaten up like this.

At this moment, the man was deeply vexed.

If he hadn't been cold and adorable at the start because of that inexplicable desire, none of this would have happened.

The man's cold eyebrows furrowed together uncontrollably. He was blaming himself, annoyed, and deeply regretful.