Want to eat her

Ruan Mengmeng was completely stunned by li junyu's kiss.

She didn't know why she suddenly started to move her hands, no, her mouth as she spoke.

However, li junyu's kiss was obviously meant to punish her-was he punishing her for playing her mobile game again while he was not at home?

It was still a punishment for her. She was so bold that she deliberately named the little puppy 'li Sansui'. She was simply tired of living and had touched the earth on her head!

The young girl was very anxious, not knowing how she had provoked this man.

If they were playing games, it would be fine. They would just obediently admit their mistakes and promise not to make the same mistake again.

However, if he was angry because of the name 'li Sansui'. ..

That meant that the real li Sansui had already understood the meaning of her name.

Fear, rolling, shivering