Chapter 841-inciting public anger

"She said you're crazy!"

Before ruan Xueqin could finish her sentence, the middle-aged woman standing on the side could not help but speak for ruan Mengmeng.

Immediately after, a few more passersby who couldn't stand it stood up.

yes, the young lady is right. You and your mother are unreasonable. What are you if not crazy? "

that's right. Even your vicious old lady was taken away by the police, Wanwan. The police already said that the surveillance cameras captured everything. You guys still have the nerve to call a thief 'stop the thief' here!

"Hmph, you all think others are fools. Do you think you're the only smart ones in the world? I think you're not much better than your old lady, ran ran. Otherwise, why would your father not be in the ICU, and you're still quarreling outside!"

The onlookers chimed in one after another, making ruan Xueqin feel ashamed.

She had never been so embarrassed in front of so many people.