They were discovered to be secretly dating

That night, the girl gave herself to ruan Zhongqi. She said that she would definitely marry him and that she would not marry anyone else but him for the rest of her life.

That night, ruan Zhongqi was very sure that the only person he would love in his life would be the girl in front of him.

He loved qinyue. He loved this girl who smiled gently but always had a dazzling light in her eyes.

That night, they were honest with each other and made the most beautiful promise to each other.

From that day on, the relationship between the two of them became even closer.

They didn't seem to have enough time. Every day, apart from working and going to school, they wished they could stick together.

But soon, a burden that he had to bring along appeared.

Li Yinan-qinyue's cousin.

That day, qinyue brought li Yinan to ruan Zhongqi.