About ruan Mingyu

The moment ruan zhaotian said those words, ruan Mengmeng could clearly feel that her small hand, which was held in li junyu's palm, suddenly turned cold.

The heartwarming atmosphere that he had just sighed with emotion had completely disappeared.

Li junyu's cold expression was filled with the words 'ugly rejection'.

He said coldly,"dad, I have a lot of hair, I don't need to wear a hat, Yingluo."

It was a clean and crisp sentence, coldly pointing out the fact that ruan zhaotian was bald and bald, which was why he needed to wear a hat.

The moment li junyu spoke, ruan zhaotian felt as if he had been shot in the knee by something.

It was like a sharp blade had stabbed into his heart.

At this moment, ruan zhaotian wanted to shout, " My heart hurts, old tie!

Sighing, ruan zhaotian stopped struggling and put on the hat.