Time flies

it's a birthday special gift from me. It's effective from June 5th next year. As for how to use it, it's just like what's written here. It's an experience card, a special experience card.

One of them was the 'ten-time experience card', and the other was the' one-week experience method'.

The number of uses and effectiveness were all written on it.

Ruan Mengmeng did not dare to hide anything and told him everything in one breath.

She was afraid that li junyu would not be able to control himself and eat her up!

Lord tyrant nodded. His cold expression faded a little, but the next moment, he suddenly frowned.

His bottomless eyes landed on ruan Mengmeng's shy and pitiful face.

Suddenly, li junyu asked,"what is the specific content of this experience card?"  

As soon as he said that, ruan Mengmeng's face, which was red from the kiss and shyness, instantly turned red.

hiss ... she took a deep breath.

experience experience "