Her lips were swollen as if kissed by a man, and there were hickeys on her neck

"Mengmeng, What's this? who did this? why did you cover it with concealer?"

Chen Qingzhi was a woman, so of course she knew what was on ruan Mengmeng's neck.

Not only did he know, but he could also tell at a glance that ruan Mengmeng had deliberately covered it up.

Chen Qingzhi's picturesque eyebrows revealed an indescribable emotion-just now outside the door, she had noticed that ruan Mengmeng's lips were slightly red and swollen, as if she had been kissed by a man.

At that time, her eyes swept across Mengmeng's neck and she found that there was a red mark where the concealer had been slightly rubbed off.

Chen Qingzhi was as meticulous as a hair and had long hidden her suspicions.

That was why he had followed ruan Mengmeng into the fitting room just now. He wanted to figure out the problem with his daughter in private.

When Chen Qingzhi saw ruan Mengmeng come out in a perfectly-fit wedding dress, a bold guess formed in her mind.