Chen Qingzhi, don't put on such an act in front of me!

It turned out that the old Madam was now interested in Xiaoxi and unconsciously wanted to ask about his schoolwork.

In the end, Xiaoxi said that he had been very relaxed recently and that the homework at school was very easy for him, so he finished it very quickly.

The old lady then asked if there were any other arrangements, such as after school tutoring or company business Studies.

Little li Junxi stammered and said that Yingying didn't have any.

Li Junxi was a child with a guilty conscience. Although brother Zhenzhen had moved out, he had always paid close attention to his studies. From time to time, he would assign him some homework or let him study and read the company's reports.

Although his sister always played games with him, it was only to relax. If he didn't finish his homework, his sister would definitely not let him play.